Pharmacovigilance (التيقظ الدوائي)

What is pharmacovigilance?

Satisfying patients’ needs and ensure our patients are receiving the right, safe and effective drugs are one of the most important priorities at Jedaani Pharma Store. Drug safety team at Jedaani Pharma Store has the required skills, knowledge and experience to manage and assess the signals as well as to explore the scientific explanation behind that signal to implement the right risk management plan.

What is a side effect?

A side effect is a medical occurrence temporally associated, but not necessarily causally related, with the use of a medicinal product.

Why report side effects?

Your reporting will help us to assess and evaluate the safety signal and contribute to decrease the patient’s harm. Also, your information will help Jedaani Pharma Store to be compliant with the competent authority in order to ensure the patients are receiving the right, effective and safe drug.

How to report side effects?

Whether you are a health care professionals or not, you can email the QPPV of  Jedaani Pharma Store about any pharmacovigilance related issues you face.

كيفية تقديم تقرير بالأعراض الجانبية,,

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